Entering a Triathlon: Taking the Plunge
I first had the idea that I might want to enter a triathlon not long after I had first started cycling. I guess I had a new found confidence from the fitness and achievement through my new found hobby. The only issue was that I hadn’t done any running since leaving university around five or … Continued
Brenda Mitchell: Bike Biz Pioneer – Woman of the Year 2015
We love to feature inspiring characters on Love Velo cc which leads me to introducing Brenda Mitchell who I was lucky enough to meet earlier this year at the Bike Biz Cycling media Awards. Having walked into a crowded room on the evening of the awards and knowing not a single person, I was quickly relieved … Continued
Rider Profile: Sarah
This rider profile interview is with Sarah, 42 from Leicestershire. Sarah is one of the first people I met through cycling when I was looking for a group to ride with and as she lives just down the road from me, we got to know each other whilst riding together on summer evenings and on … Continued
Kit Review : Fierlan High Waisted Padded Cycling Shorts
I’m not one for over-indulging – my small salary makes sure of that – but these Fierlan shorts are pretty plush. I’ve been enjoying them all winter, and must admit that that’s saying something because I’ve been restricted to my turbo for most of it (which, as we all know, can test anyone’s love for … Continued